Agreement Definition in Oxford Dictionary

Agreement Definition in Oxford Dictionary: Exploring the Meaning of This Important Term

When it comes to communication, understanding the meaning of terms is essential. One such term that is critical in various situations is agreement. The Oxford Dictionary defines agreement as «harmony or accordance in opinion or feeling; a position or result of agreeing».

In any field, agreement is crucial in achieving a common goal. It is through agreement that people come together and work towards a mutual objective. It can also refer to the contract or legal document that outlines the agreed terms between two or more parties.

Agreements can be verbal or written and can cover any topic that requires mutual understanding and acceptance. For instance, the terms of a real estate lease, a business partnership, or a marital contract all require agreement.

There are various types of agreements, each with its unique characteristics. Some of the most common forms of agreement include:

1. Verbal Agreement: This is an agreement reached through spoken words or conversation. It is not written down and is usually based on trust between the parties involved.

2. Written Agreement: This is an agreement that is put in writing and signed by all parties involved. It is legally binding and is often used in formal situations such as business contracts, legal documents, and treaties.

3. Implied Agreement: This is an agreement that is not explicitly stated but is based on the actions of the parties involved. For instance, if a customer enters a store and picks up an item, it is implied that the customer will pay for it.

4. Express Agreement: This is an agreement that is clearly stated and agreed upon by all parties involved. It is usually written down and signed, and the terms are explicitly stated.

In conclusion, agreement is an important term that is essential in various fields, including business, law, and relationships. Its definition, as provided by the Oxford Dictionary, emphasizes the importance of mutual understanding and harmony in achieving common goals. Understanding the different types of agreements is crucial in ensuring that parties involved are clear on the terms and conditions of their agreement.

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